Creating Collection Offers

How to Create a Collection Offer

To place a collection offer navigate to the specific ENS Collection page that you are interested in.

Click the Collection Offer button on the ENS Collection page that you would like to offer.

If not done so already, you will be prompted to connect your wallet before adding names to your bulk registration bag. Supported wallets currently include all wallets that are featured by WalletConnect (over 300 supported Wallets)

After connecting your wallet and clicking the Collection Offer button the Make a Collection Offer window will appear.

Fill in the offer Set offer price amount in WETH and after select when you’d like the offer to expire in the select duration for all field. After filling in the offer information click the Place Offer button to continue.

If this is your first time making offers, your wallet may prompt you to approve WETH before the signature. Make sure you have enough amount of WETH in your wallet. If you do not have enough WETH in your wallet a swap will be performed from ETH to wrapped ETH (WETH) to place your bid.

Your wallet should prompt you to confirm the signature for the WETH offer on the collection after clicking the Make Offer button.

After you sign the offer the pop-up window should close and your collection offer has been placed!

Note: At this time only a limited number of collections have the collection offer feature enabled.

Last updated